So, ALOT has happened since I posted last. Tabitha had her first birthday. She's walking now. We had 2 family date nights, one we went to
Our Date Day at Magic Mountain!!!!
Oh and this is the fast pass.
We will never go to Magic Mountain again without one.
It was a lifesaver!!! Well worth the money.
Tabs First Birthday
Micah and I took cupcakes to Tabitha's class.
All the kids loved them.
You can tell by the enormous mess!
Here is Tabitha holding up her #1 finger because today she turned 1!
Family Date Night
66ers Game - "Mormon Night"
We couldn't stop laughing!

Family Date Night - Valencia
I had to go to Valencia for work. Micah and Tabs went with me, and while I was at my meetings, they went to Chuck E Cheese. It was Tabitha's first time. As you'll see it completely wore her out!!!
Tabitha had a blast running around our hotel room.