Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Grandma....What Big Ears You Have?!?!

Tara decided to go to her grandmother's house to visit.

"Hi Grandma!"

"Wow Grandma, you're not looking too good."

"Grandma, somethings different"

"My Grandma, what big ears you have!"

"Grandma! What big hands you have!"

"What is that? A tail? Wait a minute here...."

"Oh my goodness, your not Grandma!!!!!"

Micah and I went to a Halloween Party last Saturday that Kristina and Jay threw. It was SO much fun. Plus, we won the cutest costume couple contest. We love Halloween. It's one of our favorite holidays.


Palazuelos Family said...

WOW....I LOVE THE COSTUMES!!! You guys look WAY cute! Leonel and I are going to a Halloween Party this Sunday and I wish he would dress up with me and wear something cute and creative like that:( He's going as the "office line backer" (big suprise I know). Miss you Tara:)

hanesville said...

Hey! It was great to get to talk with you at the party! You need to talk Kris into doing a blog in all her "spare" time:) Your girls are so cute! We voted for you as the cutest couple, your costumes were great!